Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta consumption has roots in Chinese Traditional Medicine and is common practice in many cultures. Some cultures cook with the placenta, others plant the placenta with a tree in honor of the new baby. Whatever you might be interested in, the placenta should be honored as it was the baby’s lifeline during their time in the womb. The placenta is composed of beneficial hormones, iron, and proteins that can aid in healing after birth.
Women who consume their placenta report having benefits that aid in their postpartum (and beyond) health and healing. The tradition of placenta consumption is gaining popularity with women around the US in search of a more holistic and natural alternative to medical practices and prescriptions. It is believed* that consuming the placenta can help during postpartum in the following ways:
Increased breast milk production
Replenishes depleted nutrients
Reduces post-birth bleeding
Balances hormones
Assist in improving mood
Reducing the risk of postpartum depression
Shorten healing time
Aids in uterine healing and health
Increase your maternal energy and wellness
*There is little medical research available in either support or opposition of placenta consumption.
Each individual must evaluate the potential benefits verses the potential risks to decide whether this is right for you. If you are interested in learning more from evidence-based resources, I recommend listening to the Birth Kweens podcast “Placenta Consumption with Marie Pokluda of BEST Placenta” and referring to this Evidence Based Birth article.
Pills and Tinctures
The process of placenta encapsulation involves steaming the placenta with herbs, dehydrating, making it into a powder, and then adding the powder to vegan capsules. You can expect to receive between 100 – 200 capsules depending on how large the placenta is.
I will also include a tincture (2-4 oz) that you will be able to use after about six weeks. This can be added to tea or other drinks, or taken under the tongue. It, too, has the same benefits of the pills.
The cost for encapsulation is $240 (Glens Falls or Saratoga) or $275 (Albany area).
I’m also offering a special if you store the placenta and drop it off and pick up at my residence in Glens Falls I will charge $200. If you are interested in this option, please let me know and I will send you a supplemental FAQ.
If outside of this radius, an additional $50 fee will be charged.
The price includes my processing of the placenta, placenta pills and a tincture. I will also offer you a placenta print and/or umbilical cord keepsake, if interested, and those are included in the cost.
Special Notes
Clients are responsible for confirming hospital/practice policies.
Currently, there are strict stipulations at St. Peters and Saratoga for picking up the placenta. If you are birthing at St. Peters or Saratoga, please be in touch with me so we can discuss the policies and make sure it will work for the both of us.