ADK Doula Childbirth and Postpartum Education Class
Knowledge. Choice. Power.
The ADK Childbirth and Postpartum Education Class will give you the resources and tools to make informed choices and feel empowered in your birth and postpartum experience.
There is so much information out there and opinions coming at you all the time! You might be feeling overwhelmed with where to start and not know what questions to actually ask. I will weave evidence-based information, the anatomy of childbirth, and holistic practices to put you at the center of your care and make you knowledgeable about the process.
I’m also big into expecting the unexpected because birth will likely not go to plan. It’s important that you are prepared for those unexpected moments and reflect on how you will react and make decisions when presented with challenges.
Birth is a mind-body experience and knowing your body is vital. It’s important to strengthen your mind-body connection so that you are more aware of what is going on and to utilize the power of your mind to overcome the pain and discomfort that is associated with labor and birth. It can be a positive experience if you prepare and aim for! I’m here to help!
It’s not all about preparing for labor and birth! Pregnancy lasts months, labor and birth last hours or days but postpartum lasts forever. In this course, we will tackle some hard issues can be anticipated, and planned for, before bringing baby home. Topics include partner relationship shifts and navigating family and friends in your new role as a parent.
This class isn’t just for first-time parents. If you want to change your birth experience this time around, this is the perfect opportunity to take control of your birth and postpartum experience.
My ultimate goal is to have everyone (birthers, partners, families) look back at their birth experience with fondness, love, and positive memories.
What will we cover?
Module One
BIRTH VISION During our first module, I will focus on providing you with information to make informed decisions and to be able to anticipate what your birth experience might look like in a hospital or birth center. The goal of this session is to go over how to create your own birth vision and how to expect the unexpected.
Module Two
MOVEMENT During this interactive session, we are going to focus on movement to help prepare for labor and labor & birth positions to help reduce pain and provide comfort.
Module Three
MIND-BODY CONNECTION Another interactive session for both the birther and the partner where we aim to strengthen your mind-body connection through visualization, meditation and affirmations. We will also discuss optimizing your environment to help with labor and birth.
Module Four
POSTPARTUM Our last module will focus on postpartum and how you can plan for shifts in your identity and your relationship that will well beyond ‘postpartum.’ We will also go over common “I wish I would have known” facts about postpartum and help you to plan for logistics once you come home from the hospital.
Class Details and Cost
The ADK Childbirth and Postpartum Education is a four-module program. Typically, We will meet online or in-person for approx. 60-90 minutes for each module. Modules can be combined.
The cost for this course is $225 and is a one-on-one class (virtual or in-person sessions). It’s an investment in your physical, mental, emotional and relationship well-being. My goal is to make childbirth and postpartum education accessible to all so I will be offering a pay-what-you-can option for those with financial need.
If you pair with another family for the sessions, the cost will be $200/family.
*If I’m called to a birth during one of the sessions, we will extend the course by one week or I can make arrangements to do a one-on-one session with you during scheduled week.